Customer Relationship Management


Alpha Alternatives has extensive experience guiding private markets firms through Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives, including implementing best practice data strategy, business process and reporting across deal pipeline, and investor relations and contact and company management capabilities.

Does your firm have these challenges?

Data Fragmentation

Private market firms often struggle with fragmented data across various systems, making it challenging to have a unified view of client interactions and relationships. This fragmentation impedes decision-making and hampers client servicing efforts.

Limited Integration

Integrating CRM systems with other critical platforms like accounting, portfolio management, and reporting tools is often complex and time-consuming in the private markets. This lack of seamless integration leads to inefficiencies and redundant data entry, impacting productivity.

Customization Complexity

Private market firms have unique workflows and requirements, necessitating extensive customization of CRM systems. However, this customization process can be intricate and costly, requiring specialized expertise and ongoing maintenance to ensure alignment with evolving business needs.

Change Management

Adopting CRM and deal flow technologies often entails significant organizational change, including process redesign, workforce training, and cultural shifts. Private market firms may encounter resistance from employees accustomed to manual processes or apprehensive about the implications of automation on their roles. Effective change management strategies are essential to overcome resistance and ensure successful adoption of BPM and Automation initiatives.

Our Offerings

  • Deal Pipeline Management
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Fundraising and LP Management 
  • Digital Marketing
  • Management Reporting
  • Relationship Intelligence

Key benefits to our credit operations services

Increased Automation & Efficiency​

Seamless Workflow

Data Accuracy

Risk Mitigation & Controls​

Faster, Smoother Implementations led by Experienced Teams​

Insights Through Analytics​

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Our areas of capabilities

Tactical Advisory Services

 System selection, peer benchmarking and health checks.

Strategic Advisory Services

Current state assessments, future state recommendations and target operating model based on your business requirements.

Data Management

Assist or lead in data migration, transformation and sanitization activities. Transition existing or constructing new reports and workflows.

Implementation Services

 Tailor an out-of-the-box experience to one matching the way you operate via requirements discovery and gathering, system configuration, project/program management.

Post-Implementation Support

 Provide training sessions and change management controls, supplying interim external resources through managed services agreements.

Why Alpha Alternatives?

Industry Experts

We specialise in alternative investment management. Understanding market trends and practices.

Technology Experts

We are technology subject matter experts. Keeping our clients one step ahead by being at the forefront of the technology developments, new technologies and new entrants

Unique Approach

We combine industry and technology expertise into one service offering.

Expert Methodology

We can rapidly deploy our proven templates and methodologies to accelerate sustainable change.

Technology Solutions

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We Work Across Alternatives

Private Equity

Alpha Alternatives helps private equity clients navigate complex operations by leveraging our expertise and track record of implementing best-in-class technology solutions to optimize performance and drive growth.

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Private Credit & Liquid Debt

Alpha Alternatives helps credit managers navigate the complexities of private credit, liquid debt, and structured products, enabling them to build scalable and profitable organizations.

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Real Assets

Alpha Alternatives partners with Real Asset clients to navigate critical business transitions, driving growth through strategic insights and innovative solutions.

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With the following clients

General Partners

We help align intersection of technology and operations transformation to support.

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Limited Partners

We work with our clients to build out their ecosystem by driving optimization of operation and technological processes and systems.

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Fund Administrators

Supporting our clients enabling technology solutions that service their client base.

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Financial Institutions

Our strength in financial services consulting is enabling businesses with the processes and tools to support their strategic growth.

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Alpha Alternatives Core Capabilities

Target Operating Model

Process Design and Optimisation

System Review and Selection

Organisation Design

System Implementation

Peer Benchmarking and Market Intelligence

Enterprise Transformation

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