Download the Student Housing Demo: Planning and budgeting with Anaplan


Transforming Student Housing Planning with Lionpoint Group’s Anaplan Solution!

A leading student housing firm in the UK has revolutionized its planning process, significantly reduced budgeting cycles and empowered faster data-driven decision making with Lionpoint Group (an Alpha Group company)’s Anaplan-driven solution!

Previously, the firm struggled with slow, labor-intensive budgeting and long-term forecasting, relying heavily on excel, which proved inadequate for scalability. Our team proposed the implementation of Anaplan to transform budgeting, forecasting and scenario analysis. By leveraging Anaplan’s ‘CloudWorks’ integration framework, Lionpoint ensured seamless integration with the client’s existing technology ecosystem.

The result? Enhanced visibility and transparency across all levels of the planning process, from portfolio-wide analytics to room-level calculations. Advanced CapEx modelling including instant what-if analysis for various development scenarios.  Enhanced decision-making for new projects, making navigating the supply and demand imbalance in the Purpose Build Student Accommodation (PBSA) industry much easier.

Lionpoint's Student Housing Demo: Planning and budgeting with Anaplan

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